So recently my 5.7l vortec has been taking a dump on me, so I'm going to ride it out until it dies out.
For a replacement motor, I wanted to have the power and torque that comes with a 6.0, So I have a couple questions on this motor and if there is any other motors that can be better and affordable.
  1. New Vs. Used Motor, and where would be the best place to get one
    Should upgrade the tran to 4l80
  1. Do I need a new set of mounting brackets for the motor?
    and where do I get them?
  1. What kind of power would I be getting from it if I cammed it.
    ~How would it affect the MPG (what can I be looking at)
    ~What kind of Tune should I get
    ~Kind of Cam for stock

Overall what should I be looking at with this kind of conversion
If you know of anyone whose done this and if its worth getting myself into this mess.